Friday, February 27, 2009
Amalan Berdasarkan Niat: Beginning with the end in mind
Kita dapat lihat betapa Agama Islam yang diturunkan Allah azzawajalla ini mengajar kita setiap inci perkara mengenai kehidupan dan cara-cara untuk menjalaninya. Dalam konteks ini, Islam mengajar kita untuk berniat. Perkara niat mungkin nampak kecil tetapi implikasinya adalah sangat besar. Kita diajar untuk bermula dengan pengakhiran di minda.
Dalam sesuatu organisasi, apa yang penting adalah misi dan visi. Tanpa visi dan misi yang jelas, organisasi itu tidak akan berjaya malah pada hemat saya, tidak akan dapat bergerak sekalipun. Ia seperti orang yang bermain golf tanpa lubang dan bermain bola tanpa gol. Tiada tujuan dan matlamat.
Hadith amalan berdasarkan niat ini mengajar kita untuk mempunyai tujuan dan matlamat dalam setiap perkara yang kita lakukan. Dalam konteks lain, Islam mengajar kita untuk tentukan Goal kita terlebih dahulu sebelum mengorak langkah melakukan sebarang kerja. Lebih dari itu, kita umat islam diajar untuk tetapkan matlamat itu hanya kepada Allah.
Apa signifikannya menetapkan matlamat hanya kepada Allah? Untuk menjawab persoalan ini, kita perlu menjelaskan beberapa persoalan philosophy. Kita tahu, kehidupan dunia ini adalah sementara, dan kita tahu segala apa yang ada di atas dunia ini adalah sementara. Apa yang wujud dan kekal hanyalah Allah swt. dan kita semua ini pasti pada suatu hari nanti akan dibangkitkan. Kehidupan di dunia ini pula hanyalah kehidupan sementara malah hanyalah permainan dan gurau senda semata-mata:
“Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia tu hanyalah permainan dan sendagurauan, perhiasan dan saling berbangga di antara kamu serta berlomba dalam kekayaan dan anak keturunan seperti hujan yang tanam-tanamannya mengagumkan para petani; kemudian (tanaman) itu menjadi kering dan kamu lihat warnanya kuning dan kemudian menjadi hancur. Dan di akhirat (nanti) ada azab yang keras dan ampunan dari Allah serta keridaannya. Dan kehidupan dunia tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang palsu” Al Hadid, ayat 20.
Jika kita tidak meniatkan kerja buat kita hanya kepada Allah, secara automatiknya kita akan meniatkan pekerjaan serta amalan kita kepada benefits yand ada di dunia seperti permainan, perhiasan dan saling berbangga, serta berumba dalam kekayaan dan anak keturunan. Niat melambangkan mahu. Maka jika diniatkan kepada keduniaan maka dunialah yang kita mahu dan mengikut sunnah Allah, dunialah yang didapatinya. Ini lah yang berlaku kepada ‘Muhajir Ummu Qais’.
Sebaliknya jika kita meniatkan perbuatan ikhlas kepada Allah, kita menolak kemahuan keduniaan atau benefit keduniaan yang kita akan dapat hasil dari niat itu. Apa yang kita mahu hanyalah redanya. Dengan memasang niat yang ditujukan hanya untuk Allah, kita sebenarnya telah memulakan langkah dengan pengakhiran di minda (Begin with the end in mind). Pengakhiran itu adalah hari akhirat, hari pembalasan. Maka apabila kita meniatkan perbuatan kita kerana Allah, natijahnya kita akan mendapat balasan di hari pengakhiran nanti.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Passion that keeps me alive
Don't freak out.. Im not facing all those clinical subjects in one time... But yeah... I need to study all of them in these 2nd year.. haha...
Weekly, we have seminars, tutorials, tests. At the clinical side, we were being bombarded with questions and questions which... make me feel more stupid day by day... "What? you don't know this thing? Go back and read!!!" A phrase so common on the clinical side.
In addition... I'm dwelling with IMAM and its work, Usrah, Tarbiah programmes to be planned and executed... Am I fretting up? Naah.. These are all part and partial of the process... I'm processing myself into being one Muslim and Mukmin Doctors that can become a central to help changing the paradigm of the society.
So what keeps me up? Lots to study, lots to think about, lots of work to do...What keeps me alive is Passion... Nothing but Passion... My father once told me: "Don't make us, your parents as your source of motivation... that's not the right way... It's not us who are studying.. You don't study for us.. you study for yourself... It's yourself that you want to bring on facing this world... So what brings you forward is your own passion... not us... we'll grow old and die soon. "
Passion... If I loose my passion in a day... I'll drop dead on my bed, become laze and sleep.
Please Allah... grant me this passion everyday.. Ameen
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Perjalanan Yang Tidak Lancar
Saya merujuk kepada tragedi yang menimpa rakan-rakan di Mangalore yang telah bertungkus lumus sedemikian lama untuk menganjurkan perhimpunan rakan-rakan seangkatan di India. Tidak senang. Usaha membawa ustaz Hasrizal (abu saiff) ke India adalah usaha kedua yang menemui kegagalan selepas kegagalan membawa ustaz Salam. Dua-dua kerana visa.
Alhamdulillah... usaha yang tidak berhasil ini sekurang-kurangnya dapat saya sendiri rujuk kepada hamparan sejadah. Berfikir atas apa yang tidak kena... Hikmah... satu peristiwa itu akan jadi "Hikmah" apabila si penerima ujian itu berfikir di atasnya. Dari Hikmah datangnya Hidayah... juga dengan berfikir... Kedua-duanya tidak datang bergolek.
InsyaAllah.. PERMISI 2009 kita peram dulu bersama sehingga ia betul-betul matang. Mungkin sebelum PERMISI itu berjalan kita boleh terlebih dahulu mantapkan perjalan kita melalui organisasi yang lebih tersusun, yakni Islamic Youth Association (IYA). Mungkin ini yang kita perlu peram terlebih dahulu...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Change We Need...Beyond Politics
Nowadays we are seeing how tumultuous Malaysian Politics are. No need to describe furhter... Perak now has two MBs with two Governments. Now I don't need to further comment on the current political turmoil. Enough with Mahathir, Ku Li, RPK, DSAI, Malaysiakini, Utusan etc. They'll do the job because these people are naturally Homosapiens Politicus.
Homosapiens Politicus? Hmmm.. a new sub-species of human being? Yes indeed. These people are political animals. They just can't get out of politics. Politic is their life, their breath, their food and to a certain extent..huhu.. their religion.
It has become our nature... the nature of homosapiens that we all want change towards betterment. "Change we need"... says Mr Obama. This change is for humans to live in a more peaceful, more prosperous conditions. It is within our nature.
And we must know that the roads towards betterment are many.We can do change by doing humanitarian works, by doing charity, etc. Politics is also one of the way to change.However as for these Homosapiens politicus, there's only one way towards betterment: Politics.
So if there's many ways towards change for betterment besides politics, then there must be a single best way towards it that we can rely upon. And for that we must study the history for history is the best teacher. In history, there's one proven method of change that really really works.
Revisting History to look for an ideal Change Method
Nowadays, we are all hungry for an ideal world where people live with freedom and justice. Despite the new world created by the American, America itself is not the ideal world. Despite of her status as the strongest country in the world, she is still impregnated with bundles and bundles of social and humanity crisis. America herself is not a Utopia.
So in history is there any Utopia been established? Is there any ideal world, ideal state where people live with freedom and justice? Yes indeed. It is the Abbassiah Islamic Khialafah... a time when Islam becomes the order of the world. When justice, freedom and peace avails... a time when all technologies are used for peaceful purpose unlike today where technologies are created by man to kill man.
Abbasiah empire is the result of an effort of change towards betterment. And this effort takes a long, long time. This effort of change requires a deep, deep and long breath.
The best method towards change
So... Who begun this effort? The man who begin this effort is no one else but our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. The question is how did he do this change? What is his method? What are the principles behind this method?
Before answering all these questions, we need to understand first that this effort is done with the guidance from above... from God. This guidance comes with a manual. This manual is called the Koran.
With these guidances, Prophet Muhammad SAW strive to bring about changes. After a few hundred years, an ideal Utopia is made reality.
I am stressing here that he does not begin the change with politics. Politic is only a small part of his effort towards change. He only began this political drive after 13 years of struggle in Mecca. And his political career does not begin in Mecca itself but a foreign land, Medina.
So what comes before politics that make the change effort so efficient? It is the islamic education (tarbiah) that becomes the main thrust of this effort. Tarbiah that is based on the understanding that God is One and there's no other sovereingnity other than God. Tarbiah which is based on the Takwa concept.
This tarbiah process is such a long and painful process. With the success of tarbiah, Politics become easy. When majority of people have takwa in their heart, they'll simply choose leaders with takwa. When muttaqin people become leaders, then there'll be no question of corruption, injustice, threat etc. Because above muttaqin leaders is God, not he himself.
What happens today?
What happen today is the opposite of it. People at large does not have takwa. They did not even understand what Islam is. They only bear islamic names without living Islam itself. Hence leaders without takwa are elected. Then, all the corruption occurs, all the injustice prevails, all the freedom are ransacked.
One party is tainted with corruption and bad history of injustice deeds and ransacking freedoms. So some 'enlightened' people of for the other party. It turns out the other party is also the same. Maybe the corruption is less, but they are also hungry for power. When they got power, money comes, and trust me, its their turn to become corrupted.
So what happen to the Islamic party? They are not being elected because people at large are simply unislamic. I pity those fanatics. They think that by merely getting this Islamic Party into power, Islamic changes will avail. But maybe not, not yet. Simply because people are unislamic. Just look towards my own state... Kelantan. Pity for the fanatics again that they do not understand that for this Islamic Party, Politics is just a small part of their effort. Tarbiah is their main mission.
Hence, my friends... let us all realize that we all need change... Beyond Politics