I am not to discuss about Palestine in this entry. Enough with all the good entries done by my fellow friends for the Palestinian. May Allah bless every single second of your time you sacrifice on the key board. Remember... words are sharper than swords. Its the element used for revolutions and changes in times of history.
This is about the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (IMAM) India SC. The association has been here in India for over 5 months already. It had gotten names among the Malaysian students. But only names.. not the understandings except for a few people. We must agree by the sunnah that every single things created by Allah got its own hikmah or -in philosophical term- principle. Even a pebble stone got its own principle or purpose.
Now, IMAM India SC is a creation of man. But we need to learn from Allah's creation. We must learn how Allah's creation succeeded in doing its function in this earth. We must learn how the bees succeeded in finding the honey, store it, ferment it with natural biotechnology and present it to us human being for us to drink and get healthy from it. From that spirit, we must learn the sunnah of Allah in assuring success in everything that we do and we strive for...
Principles... what is the principles behind IMAM? On what basis it is formed? I always stress this in my pamphlet, articles and speeches (i do make speech? poyo jer) as well. IMAM is the platform for networking among Malaysian healthcare professionals. With networking a lot of things can be done.
IMAM unite people under one roof of idea. Which is to de-secularize health industry among the healthcare professionals. For over decades, Muslims are much being secularized. We noticed that besides all the already existed fractions among the Muslims like Shia', Sunni, and the tribal factions, Muslims are further de-united by the presence of another large group which are the secular Muslims.
Indeed, the Islamic Khilafah falls because of the secular factions of the Muslims. The father of all the Secular Muslim- Attartuk. Now, why does the secular Muslim triumph over the non-secular Muslims? This is because, over decades, the non-secular Muslims are at large, uneducated. All the education they have is obtained from the Madrasah, being educated with the so-called 'ilmu agama'. They are far left behind by the advancements of sciences and technology which several hundreds years ago are the expertice of the Muslims.
On the other hand, the secular Muslims are at large educated with the scienctific knowledge, technology, economy etc. According to Allah's law, people who master all these knowledge will be able to advance in this world. They'll be able to achieve a certain level of civilization just like what the western world is achieving. With this, the secular Muslim triumphed over the non-secular Muslims, hence overtaking the last Khalifah and subsequently destroying it.
However, it's not the secular Muslim's fault alone. The non-secular Muslim that I'm refering to in this article are also contributing to the fall of the Khilafah. They did because they did'nt master the science, technology and the economy. Simply saying, THEY ARE NOT PROFESSIONAL.
Now, what we need in order to achieve back the glory of Islam, are the PROFESSIONALS that understand and live up the very basic principles of Islam. In other words, we need Mukmin Professionals not Mullahs alone.
IMAM is the platform to bridge secularism and professionalism. Its strive is to bring back professionalism into Islam. The West becomes the Order of the world or in the arabic word, Ustaziatul Alam because of their achievements, because of their professionalism. In order to bring back the throne of the world's Order to the Muslim which supposed to bring peace all over the world with its beautifull and perfect humanely principles, we need to regain back our expertise, our professionalism.
By bringing back what the Muslims own, we can solve many humanity crisis all over the world, including the PALESTINE crisis.
Bridging secularism and professionalism with Islam...
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